PinnedAnders SveenLiving the stream: Reducing memory usage in Java and KotlinTLDR; Change how you fetch lists of information in your HTTP endpoints, and your application can often survive on 300–600MB of heap. Ours…Sep 17, 20201Sep 17, 20201
Anders SveeninSmidigalliansenSmidigposten #26Så var det plutselig gått alt for lang tid igjen. 😇 Men her er ihvertfall Smidigposten før sommeren. 🙂Jun 11Jun 11
Anders SveeninSmidigalliansenSmidigposten #25Det er vinterferie i deler av landet og du trenger kanskje litt lektyre på hytta? 😉 Her er ihvertfall en ny utgave av Smidigposten!Feb 20Feb 20
Anders SveeninSmidigalliansenSmidigiposten #24Så har tiden løpt fra meg igjen og et drøyt halvt år har gått. Denne gangen ble det litt nytt, men også et dypdykk i arkivet av eldre…Jan 26Jan 26
Anders SveenFull stack development with KTor and HTMX ❤️Sometimes it feels like I have been yak shaving for the last 20 years. Well, not entirely. But things like Rules Engines, SOA, App Servers…Aug 30, 20231Aug 30, 20231
Anders SveenLogback superpowers for better observabilityLogs are an essential tool for monitoring and observing system behavior in test and especially production. They provide a wealth of…Aug 8, 2023Aug 8, 2023
Anders SveenReduced complexity with HTMX on the front end?I recently stumbled upon HTMX and found the concepts really interesting. Many front ends does not have to be an SPA, and I think HTMX can…Aug 2, 2023Aug 2, 2023
Anders SveenBetter syntax highlighting in Intellij IDEAQuick tip if you’re using Intellij IDEA and not every framework is supported: Add the annotations dependency.Jul 24, 2023Jul 24, 2023
Anders SveeninSmidigalliansenSmidigposten #23Sommeren er her. 😃 😎 Kos deg med litt faglig påfyll. 😃Jun 13, 2023Jun 13, 2023